Felony Sentencing Chart Nc

Maximum chart for class b1 e sex offenses committed on or after 12 1 2011.
Felony sentencing chart nc. An in depth look at north carolina s felony classifications. Felony sentencing in north carolina felonies in north carolina are divided into ten 10 different classes a the most serious b1 b2 c d e f g h i the least serious. 14 17 class b1 felonies maximum punishment of life without parole second degree murder.
For reference purposes the felony punishment chart that applies to offenses committed on or after december 1 1995 but before december 1 2009 is included at the end of part i. Minimum maximum charts for felonies committed on or after 10 1 13. Minimum maximum charts for felonies committed 12 1 09 to 11.
Class b has two parts class b1 and class b2. This part describes the substance and application of the sentencing laws for felonies. Felony punishment chart prior record level offense class i 0 1 pt ii 2 5 pts iii 6 9 pts iv 10 13 pts v 14 17 pts vi 18 pts a death or life without parole defendant under 18 at time of offense.
Life with or without parole b1 a a aa a a disposition 240 300 276 345 317 397 365 456 life without parole life without parole aggravated range. Misdemeanor punishment chart for offenses committed on or after october 1 2013. North carolina classifies felonies from class a to class i.
Below you will find information on the penalties points and crimes associated with each classification. North carolina general statutes. Class b1 through e sex offenders.
Felonies can be punished by either community punishment intermediate punishment or active punishment. 14 17 b first degree forcible sexual offense. Crime victims rights act.
Felony punishment chart and minimum maximum sentence table for offenses committed on or after october 1 2013. Class b1 through e sex offender maximum sentence table for offenses committed on or after december 1 2011. North carolina sentencing and policy advisory commission classification of a sample of offenses effective 12 1 17 class a felonies maximum punishment of death or life without parole first degree murder.